Nowadays, parcel tracking has become an important commodity for anyone who sends or receives parcel. This helps to gain the confidence of customer by ensuring that their consignment is always accounted for. Let's explore why is parcel tracking really needed within parcel delivery industry.
Peace of Mind
A courier tracking facility is helpful for both you and the courier by giving a little more satisfaction by informing about latest location of the parcel. By tracking your parcels, you can be sure of where your parcel is and whether it’s on track. In most cases, you won’t even need to call the courier service to find out – most companies offer some kind of online tracking nowadays!
It’s unlikely that anyone can stay at home for all day long, tracking of parcel can give you the knowledge where your parcel is and when it's going to deliver. This can help you to adjust your schedule accordingly or inform the courier to leave the parcel with a neighbour or in a safe place. Some couriers company will even allow you to reschedule the delivery if given enough notice, which can save time and money for both you and the courier..
Customer Service
Tracking your parcel is a whole new form of customer service. You’ll have more information about your parcel, and they’ll have more information about the service they are providing – whether it’s on schedule or behind. If you have any questions, a tracking number for a parcel can bring up all the information you and someone on the end of the phone could ever need if you call them up, making customer service more efficient, and far easier.
What About Live Tracking?
Live tracking is a better, almost more high-tech way of tracking your parcel, and every day it’s being made more and more widely available. What is ‘live tracking’ you ask? Well, live tracking or real time tracking is essentially a more in depth version of what’s already available. It makes life easier for all consignees. Parcels can be tracked in real-time and also redirected to a preferred place until the very last minute. Status update every 30 seconds included. That sounds good, doesn’t it! Some companies make it possible to track your courier down to which street they are currently in using GPS.